Friday, October 11, 2019

Post date: Oct 15, 2019 4:54:42 PM

Today's Bucket Filler: Isaiah Harris for cleaning up a mess another student made in the hall given by Mrs. Shoemaker. Miranda Hoying for finding Mr. Duncan's lost kickball given by Mr. Duncan.Sunday: Lucas Klinker, Avery Shuster

Lunch today: Pepperoni Breadsticks, Salad, Banana, Sun Chips, Milk

Monday: Confetti Pancakes, Tater Tots, Turkey Sausage, Apple Juice, Milk

Joke of the Day: What's bigger than an elephant, but doesn't weigh anything?

Answer: His Shadow.

You have until next Friday, October 18th to hand in your Believe Fundraiser and get your squishy sidekicks.

Attention Run Club: You have a Fun Run tomorrow at Botkins.

Don't forget to keep bringing your Box Tops, Tyson, and School Spirit labels to the office. Also, have parent's download the app or bring cash register receipts for the office to download.

Fact of the Day: The average turtle can't reproduce until it's 25 years old.