Friday, March 22, 2019

Post date: Mar 22, 2019 11:40:48 AM

Today's Bucket Filler: Nevaeh Murphy for quietly waiting and setting a good example for classmates given by Mrs. Luthman. Maddison Martz for following directions given by Mrs. Boerger. Vincent Lewis for cleaning up a mess on the floor without being asked given by Mrs. Wuebker.Birthday's today: Brooklyn Fittro, Konark TunwarSaturday: Kendall Hennessey, Khloe Thomas, Connor KovermanSunday: Jackson Billing, Reece PettitJoke of the Day: What did Obi Wan Kenobi say to the tree?Answer: May the Forest be with you.Don't forget to get your Pencils, Erasers and Notebooks before school.

All pop tabs must be turned in today.

Fact of the Day: Early football fields were painted with both horizontal and vertical lines, creating a pattern that resemble a gridiron.