Friday, January 11, 2019

Post date: Jan 11, 2019 1:10:39 PM

Today's Bucket Filler Is: Brayden Leach for helping put away computers properly and plugging in given by Mrs. Christman. Daylan Norris for offering to wait until someone else had a turn given by Mrs. Brunswick.Saturday: Hydee GinterSunday: Aleik HolthausLunch today: Pepperoni Pizza Rippers, Romaine Salad, Peaches, Fudge Bar, MilkMonday: Chicken Wrap, Corn, Black Beans, Strawberry Cup, Kid Munchies, MilkJoke of the Day: What is the favorite Mexican food of snowmen?Answer: Burrrr-itosPioneer Assembly today during your special.

Good news, if you were planning on submitting an entry to the Rockets Writing Contest, but didn't have time to finish, the deadline has been extended to this Monday, January 14th.

Want to Play Some Dodge Ball against the Teachers!!!

Starting on Monday, we will begin the Box Top Competition. So bring in your Box Tops, Tyson, and School Spirit labels to the office after the announcements.

Please put your name and teacher's name on baggie. Two students in each class that collects the most will be the winner to play dodge ball against the teachers.

Also, the class that collects the most in each grade level will receive movie and popcorn.

All Little Cheer forms will need to be turned in the office after announcements.

Next week starts the third nine weeks!!!

Fact of the Day: In 2008, Bethel Maine created the world's tallest snow-woman. The snow-woman stood 122 feet and 1 inch tall.