Registration Amazon Prime Video

To enjoy the digital streaming and audio-video downloads on Amazon Prime Video you will first need to register the device and create an account in

The device will be registered to the Prime Video service.

The registration involves the use of an internet enabled device including a PC or mobile device.

Below are steps that you can take to register and complete sign in your PC to Amazon Prime Video. amazon.comcom/mytv

  1. Download Amazon Video app for free. You can download the Amazon video app for Android, iOS or PC for free.

  2. Once the app has been downloaded, click on register button.

  3. You would be given an activation code for verification. Write this activation code down.

  4. Visit Amazon Prime Video on

  5. Next sign-in using a valid email address.

  6. Note your password and then click on the "Create your Amazon account" button.

  7. Make use of the verification code that you earlier wrote down.

  8. Enter code. That code will link up your preferred device with your Amazon prime video account.

  9. Click on the "Continue" button to complete verification.

  10. You will notice a confirmation indicator message which shows up on your PC screen when the registration process is successful.

  11. Then click the "Continue" button on your downloaded Amazon Prime Video (mytv) app.

  12. You can then proceed to download or watch via digital streaming, the variety of video titles available.