Economics Home Page

This is 1st period Economics for Juniors and Seniors.


I have changed the target dates of summative assessments for this course. The syllabus has been updated to reflect these changes. The new dates are:

Unit 2 -October 11th

Unit 3 -November 15th

Unit 4 -December 18th

EDUCATION CENTS - This will direct you to the login for Education Cents. Most of the work we do in the lab will be on this site.

- Our group is ECON_2012. Your login is "ECON_2012"

Remediations for Unit Three are due next Monday, December 10th.


12/14 -Continue Movie

12/13 -Study Guide given for Unit 4 test, multiple choice portion. Begin Movie.

12/12 -Written assessment for UNIT 4

12/11 -Monetary policy and the FED was explained in order to prepare students for th written portion of the UNIT 4 test.

12/10 -Fiscal Policy was explained to prepare students for the written portion of the UNIT 4 test, Students were given notes and a packet with information to be gone over in class to prepare for the written assessment. It was stressed on Friday and today that it is critical for students to be here Monday and Tuesday to prepare for the written assessment.

12/7 -We will look at the powerpoint on the topic of taxes (chapter 14). Afterwards we will look at two short videos presented by John Stossel.

12/4 - Begin chapter work on taxes.

-Assessments results were handed out, as were remediations which are due next Monday.

MAJOR EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT OFFERED: Students have until this Friday to write a one-page analysis of a movie of their choice, rated G, Pg or PG-13. They will write this using economic concepts as a theme. The job of the student is to convince me, Mr. Hammond that I should show that movie next week. For successful completion of this, I will award 10% to the lowest summative assessment in the grade book. If I pick the movie that a student has written about, I will award a 25% bonus.

12/3 - We will start taking a look at US Budget and taxes. I will share my payroll slip and then we will look at Wikipedia's page on the Federal Budget. We will be using THIS as a guide for the Wikipedia page.After this, we will transition into the textbook for information/definition of types of taxes.

11/29 - inflation and the CPI (Consumer Price Index)! Inflation calculator HERE.

11/28 - Review lesson on GDP. We will also look at some statistics on unemployment HERE

11/27-continuing to look at GDP. We will look at THIS website to look at some of the history of GDP in the United States. Students will then do an activity called GDP and Life expectancy (Attached below) to glean a global perspective of economies in the world. This is a formative assessment.

11/26 - A look at Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The assignment "GDP Mapping" is a formative assignment and attached below.

11/20 - Summative Assessment on this unit.

11/19 -We played a review game in the form of "PASSWORD." we did a final review of the study guide.

11/15 and 11/16 - Students will learn about different investment options, Specific vocabulary covered is: the rule of 72, bonds, stocks and mutual funds, and CDs.

-study guide for assessment next week.

11/13 and 11/14 - Students reviewed the idea of risk and how insurance is designed to counter risk. We did an ungraded activity on insurance and risk.

11/8 -We will be starting a new chapter on financial markets. Students will receive the Essential Questions on the chapter and we will run a simulation on The Great Tulip Boom.

11/7 -we will be in lab A217. Students will have a choice of on-line lesson, which will be printed off and submitted to me by the end of class.

-Credit Card Mystery (the checklist for comparing credit cards is HERE) or,

-Economics of Voting or,

-Economics of Voting: What do you mean my Vote Does not Count?

Afterwards, students may log into the stock market experience

11/6 -Check up quiz on concepts that we have learned in class.

-Students were interested in working conditions at the time of industrialization, and will participate in a power point that focuses on labor conditions and the push for unions in 19th century America. Here

11/5 -Students learned about modern unions through a power point presentation. Here

11/2 -Students will be spared from Mr. Hammond's presence. However, students will watch a History Channel DVD on the Pullman Strike in order to understand the role of Unions during industrialization.

11/1 -Finish power point on chapter 8. We will be starting a new chapter on organized labor and Unions. Students will be given essential questions for the chapter which should be used and filled out during instruction. The essential questions can be found HERE. We will start the chapter with a powerpoint presentation which can be found below (Labor and Unions).

10/31 -we took notes on the power point on the last chapter (EconCh08.ppt), business organizations. We will finish this tomorrow. The power point is attached below.

10/30 - Students are to work out of the textbook, on the chapter called "Other Organizations." The assignment can be found below.

10/29 - Finish Tucker. Students will be given time to write their one page response/ reflection on the movie. See 10/19 for details of the assignment.

10/26 -Computer Lab A217

-we will explore the infamous Triangle Factory Fire and its impact on labor. This on-line lesson can be found HERE. The worksheets will be provided for students

-Stock Market Game

-Tucker Club website

10/25 -quiz on yesterday's materials. This is a formative grade. Continue "Tucker"

10/24 -Students work out of textbook and complete the assignment that goes with this section, called "October 24 corporation pages 195 to 200." This is attached below. We will have an open assignment quiz on this tomorrow.

10/23 -Students will be given remediation assignments to help with grades on the latest assessments. Remediations will be accepted through next Wednesday. They are below as one attachment: "remediations for "unit two summative assessments"

10/22 - Continue Tucker. Students are to complete a reading and grid on corporations, compared with partnerships and sole proprietorships. This is a formative assignment and will go in the grade book. This assignment is attached on the bottom of this page and is called " Reviewing the Three Types of Business."

10/19 -Finish textbook assignment on sole proprietorships and partnerships. Begin the movie, Tucker.

-Notes on Tucker:Students must take notes on free enterprise, cartels, and barriers to entry. Students are asked to take notes on five other concepts. At the end of the movie students will hand in notes and a one-page reflection of the movie, using at least 7 economic terms from class.

10/18 -Textbook work on sole proprieterships and partnerships

10/13 - Summative Assessment, multiple choice

10/12 - Summative Assessment, essay

10/11 -Finish monopolistic competition and an article from the Wall Street Journal. The article is posted below as "Wall Street Journal Article Oligopoly"

10/10 -We watched a video on price gauging and then moved on to work on the chapter for monopolistic competition. See "monopolistic com and oligopoly" below

10/9 - Study guide for Unit two test is posted below

- market structures video and discussion of yesterday's work on market structures.

- Begin Monopolistic Competition com and Oligopoly, which is posted below

10/8 - market structures. Perfect competition and monopoly.

10/5 -Review in Computer Lab: PowerPoint on chapter 3 (see below for the PowerPoint "EconCH03"if you want to study the main ideas of the chapter). Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7 have also been posted for review. We have covered everything except for chapter 7, which will take all of next week.

10/4 -continue on with textbook work and discussion, pages 56-71

10/3 -textbook work 56-71, continuing tomorrow with more of the same.

10/2 -(Tuesday) Computer Lab A217: We started our Stock Market Experience simulation. Take a look at the page "Stock Market Experience" (on the left) for details.

10/1 - Quiz on 51-55 (last Friday) We will play a game to introduce the stock market activity tomorrow

9/28 - Beginning of section on Free Enterprise. Students read pages 51-55 and completed the attachment below, "Pages 51-55." We will discuss the results of the chapter and take a quiz on the material on Monday.

9/27 -Simulation on property rights in which students learned a valuable lesson on why property rights are an important way of handling some of the problems that relate to scarcity.

9/21 -Computer LAB A217: Students will respond to a reading "supply and demand reader" that is attached on the bottom of this page.

-Lesson 2, "income" is due for Education Cents.

-Lesson 3, "money management" from education cents is due next Friday

9/20 - Notes on supply and demand, using examples from class discussion.

9/19 -We watched a short video on endangered species and how the issue related to supply and demand.

9/18 -students given back test data with the opportunity to revisit some of the concepts. Students can choose to write about two areas of weakness in order to improve their score on this particular assessment. They have one week in which to take advantage of this.

9/14 -Computer Lab A217. Education Cents Course Two: Income. The quiz is due by next Friday

9/13 -Summative test: Multiple Choice Portion

9/12 -Textbook work: Chapter Four, Demand pages 78-98. Students are working on packet for the reading which will be attached below. Work not finished is homework to be completed, and turned in on Monday.

9/11 -Summative test taken. Written Portion

9/10 -final review (jeopardy labs)

9/06 & 9/07 - Textbook review and introduction to a few new terms.

9/05 - We began a review of topics covered in class. We watched a powerpoint that reviewed important concepts, and students took notes on the key terms. We will be doing work from textbooks on Thursday and Friday in order to prepare for a summative assessment early next week

8/31 - Students will sign up for Education Cents and join the group called "ECON_2012" the password is the same as the group name. Students will take the course called Psychology of Money. There is a quiz at the end of this section, that can be taken until mastery. The quiz is due by next Friday and will count as a Formative Grade.

8/30 - OPPORTUNITY COST: Activity based on decisions a school board might make. See document below called "opportunity costs school board."

8/27 ---8/29 - INCENTIVES: We watched a portion of the Documentary Freakonomics, The 20 minute section titled, "Can you bribe a 9th grader to get good grades?" for discussion on the topic. This DVD is available in the LMC, and can be streamed on Netflix.

- There is a formative assignment on this topic, which is below, "Freakonomic Bribing 9th graders"

- Another look at the topic can be found in this article, Bribing Kids to Try on Tests.

8/24 - SCARCITY: Click here for video on technology.

- Formative assessment on today's learning is the "aug 24 exit slip" attached below.

8/22 and 8/23 - Pre-assessments. These are for formative assessment points.