5 East Asia

We are finished with East Asia, and have moved on to the Africa Unit

Tuesday, March 17

Please go to the Africa Unit for information on today.

Monday, March 16

China Presentations

Feedback handed back to students for their two recent reading assessments. Students can come to the next two academic support sessions (tomorrow and Thursday) to attempt gaining back 50% of what they missed on both assessments.

Friday, March 13th

Finish China DBQ

This is the last day for the East Asia unit. We will be focusing on Africa next

Thursday, March 12

Begin China DBQ, which serves as the assessment for the East Asia unit.

Wednesday, March 11

PARCC Testing: No classes.

Tuesday, March 10th

Wrap up with Crash Course on modern China HERE

10 Amazing Ancient Chinese Inventions HERE

In the spirit of inventions, HERE are 20 most useless inventions

Top Ten Ridiculous Myths about China HERE

Monday, March 9th

Watch CNN's The Cold War: China. There is an outcome sheet in which students will make a concept map and answer a few higher level questions on China's role in the cold war.

Friday, March 6th

Cultural Revolution Lesson

DBQ will be given next Thursday and Friday

Thursday, March 5

Handout: What is Genocide. Students will discuss genocide and whether or not the term should be applied to the Great Leap forward.

Vocab: rural, industrial, agrarian, suburban

Reading Assessment: China Reading Assessment, Mao

Wednesday, march 4

No school due to standardized testing schedule

Tuesday, March 3

Students will analyze two sources on the Great Leap Forward. This lesson is attached below as: "sourcework Great Leap Forward"

Monday, March 2

Start with THIS, and repeat the task to identify three things about this man.

Discussion of three handouts, Upheavals in China, Quotations from Chairman Mao..., and Being a Good Communist.

THIS map will be used to help explain the results of the Communist Revolution.

THIS map used to demonstrate the Japanese invasions of China, and the beginning of World War 2.

Friday, February 27

Amnesty Day: Students get to work on all past work for China

Thursday, February 26

Students will write down five things that they have learned about THIS man as a starter.

What does THIS image suggest about Mao?

Mao reading, and categorizing activity

Wednesday, February 25

Answer the questions for the annotated article from yesterday.

When done, accomplish THIS research activity on Mao Tse-Tung and Chian Kai-shek

Afterwards: fun stuff:

Learn some Mandarin HERE, BBC

Learn to Write in Chinese HERE, Ted-Ed

Tuesday, February 24

Introduction to 20th Century China. Students will read and annotate the attached, "textbook reversals of fortune with questions"

For annotation, I am asking that students use their guides and give me (the second number is frequency):

#1 - 3

#3 - 2

#9 - 3

#16 - 4

#20 - 3

Monday, February 23

Hopefully it will be a snow day, but if not: Reading assessment on Confucianism/Legalism

Friday, February 20

Students will get their CRQs Back with some feedback. Students have next week to revise these during academic support.

Crash Course World History: Mandate of Heaven and Confucianism HERE

Chromebooks: Students can explore THIS website to introduce the Chinese Dynasties, in addition to doing research for their China projects for Ms Adams.

Thursday, February 19

Bookwork! Analysis of Qin and Han Dynasties, (which is attached below as "textbook Strong Rulers Unite China).

An online version of the chapter reading can be found HERE. It is not the highest of quality. if you want to look at a different version of most of the same information, then look HERE.

Wednesday, February 18

Ms Adams teaches today.

Tuesday, February 17

Using the movie, Mulan to explore and apply the ideas of Confucianism, filial piety, (2:30-23:15) THIS is the assignment

THIS article will be used to note the similarities and differences between the Disney version and the traditional legend of Mulan.

THIS primary source to further explore Mulan

Go back to the rowboat dilemma. Hopefully students will have a more developed view in terms of understanding the traditional Chinese perspective, in general terms.

Monday, February 16

No school for us

Friday, February 13

No School for you.

Thursday, February 12

Nova's the Emperor's Ghost Army Video. The video can be streamed HERE

Student task. Create a question guide, of at least ten questions that you think would lead students to have suitable outcomes for this movie

Wednesday, February 11

Chromebook exploration of Confucianism and other modes of thought

Students will use the note-catcher below titled, China lab Confucianism" for their outcome.

*Start HERE: Three Teachings

*Confucius and Confucian Tradition HERE

*Civil Service Examinations HERE

Audio clips on Confucianism HERE

An overall view of Confucianism HERE

When done, go HERE and explore other aspects of China that interest you. There is plenty of wonderful information about religion, Genghis Khan (The Mongols), Art, etc. This can also be a time for you to do a little bit of research with your partners on teh topic you have thought about choosing

Those of you looking for how China is governed by its Communist government can go HERE

Tuesday, February 10

Introduction to China and important vocabulary through the attached PowerPoint, Chinese thought and the boat

Textbook work (89-92) Outcome sheet attached, "textbook philosophy and religion in china"

Chinese Modern History Pre and post rev intro BBC HERE