Arts Night 2021

Highlights: Art Awards, Art Gallery & Talent Show

Artfully Connected Gallery & Talent Show

A Message From the Arts Council Execs

This year has been quite challenging for many of us. We have all lost parts of the SBA experience that mean a lot to us, whether they be sports, councils, clubs, or even being in-class with all our friends. All year we have heard that we must be socially-distanced, but this Arts Night we are ARTFULLY CONNECTED. Despite being home all the time, students in our school have had the opportunity to express themselves through creative outlets and pursue new artistic hobbies. The art exhibit showcases the artwork created by our wonderful students throughout the year, and together with the talent show, is a testament to the talent that SBA has to offer. As you look through the gallery and watch the talent show, remember that we are all going through this together, and through art, we are united as one SBA community.

We hope you enjoy :)