Anne Arundel County

Bay Invaders

Engaging our youth
in community-based
environmental stewardship

Bay Invaders is an award-winning program that supports Anne Arundel County 9th grade students in learning about and actively removing invasive plant species from our community and regional parks. Created in 2017, the program has engaged 2500 students who have removed nearly 4,000lbs of invasive plants creating a strong and more resilient local, native ecosystem.

Become a Volunteer for the 2024 Bay Invaders Project Season

Our Bay Invaders volunteers are the key to making this project a success year after year.  Beyond assisting with the program, our volunteers have provided meaningful and constructive feedback and suggestions for continuously improving the program. Bay Invaders volunteers commit to providing 15 hours to the project between the months of February and April. Volunteer duties can include: 

Project Partners


Contact Anne Arundel County Naturalist Liana Vitali at rpvita23@aacounty for more information.