Here you see how many days since our plants were given some water. (please don't overdo it!)
Say nice things to the plants
How long it's been since the plants received some growth-boosting compliments.
Rotate the planters
This is the number of days since each side has sun bathed.(turn the planters clockwise please!)
Give the wormssome food
How long since the worms last had a good meal of delicious food waste.
Check for weeds
This is the last time someone made sure we have the right type of growth.
Clean up / sweep
How long ago the last garden tidy-up was performed to keep things lovely.
Trellis maintenance
This is the last time someone checked the tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are climbing well.
Snap what's growing
How many days since someone uploaded a lovely picture or a plant drawing by KC.(people enjoying the garden makes a good photo too!)
Big thanks to all volunteers for the build up and planting, and please get involved with caring for, enjoying and eventually eating the Westerhuis Community Garden!