Mr Gallagher's Class

Follow the links below to help you navigate this site

Thanks to all of you who are logging into class on time when you can. I really appreciate the patience that we are all having with internet that keeps dropping off and all the other struggles getting online and doing the assignments. We really appreciate your hard work and perseverance getting online.

If you need to contact me you can call the school at (541) 553-1128 and ask for extension 6030. Feel free to leave a voicemail. You can also email

Please contact me at the school if you need some assistance with your access or the assignments.

We will be using this site for basic information but for assignments you will need to log into the Google Classroom that you are invited to. The links are below.

Attendance everyday will be important however we really understand that things are going to happen along the way that may prevent you from showing up to class for some reason. Please try very hard to be in classes on time and logged in ready to go just like if you were in regular school. If your bandwidth or internet connection is giving you problems or you are having technical difficulties we will try to help you work through those issues. Attendance will be counted as you have participated in some way in your online classes so you need to log in and participate in the class in some way for attendance to be counted.


LIPI has been going well. We are all glad to see students back in the building and appreciate the opportunity to assist in their education.