Thrifty Thursday

Jueves de Reciclaje


adjective, (of a person or their behavior) using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully. When we have a thrifty mindset, it not only keeps money in our wallets, it helps us reduce, reuse, repair, rethink our consumer choices. 

Thrifty Thursday Jueves de Reciclaje

Save Money and the Planet

Ahorra dinero y salva 


Fast Fashion:  Shift your Shopping practices

Re-THINKING Fashion and Normalizing Second-Hand Clothing

What you buy makes a difference - (a simple way to make a change!)

Is Fast Fashion Killing the Planet

"Americans throw away 13 million tons of textiles (approximately 85 percent) annually, which amounts to 9 percent of total non-recycled waste. And that ends up in the landfills"

How the Fast Fashion Industry Destroys the Environment

"...Producing apparel and garments, massive amounts of greenhouse gas emissions enter the atmosphere, water sources are depleted, and carcinogenic chemicals, dyes, salts, and heavy metals are dumped into waterways".

Thrift Shopping: 

*Sell your clothes

*Make money

*New for You (for cheap!)

      Favorite Local Re-Sale Locations:

*Buffalo Exchange

*Plato's Closet

*Goodwill Eugene

*St Vincent de Paul

*Play It Again Sports

Next Step Electronics

*Once Upon a Child  

(young children's clothing)

"As consumers we have so much power to change the world just by being careful what we buy."-Emma Watson