
School districts must follow all guidance related to health and safety, including cleaning frequently touched spaces regularly to prevent spread of infection, Fire Code of New York State (FCNYS) compliance and adherence to the Building Code of New York State (BCNYS) requirements as established by the Office of Facilities Planning. In accordance with guidance from the State Education Department, CDC, and DOH, the following procedures will be implemented:

Physical Distancing:

  • Classroom layouts will maintain a minimum of six feet distancing whenever possible.

  • Classrooms and other spaces will be cleared of any additional items (tables, flexible seating, storage cabinets, etc.) to the extent possible to allow for greater distancing.

  • Distance markers and signage will be used throughout the district to provide visual cues.

  • Plastic separators may be used (e.g. cafeteria, speech pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy) in compliance with the 2020 BCNYS Section 2606.

Cleaning and Sanitation:

  • Cleaning supplies and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) will be ordered centrally and distributed throughout the district.

  • Training on cleaning procedures for custodial staff will be ongoing.

  • All high touch areas, such as door knobs and light switches will be cleaned throughout the day. (see FAQs)

  • All areas will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected every night.

  • Alcohol based hand cleaning dispensers will be available and will conform to the requirements of 2020 FCNYS Section 5705.5.

In addition to daily cleaning procedures, the district will continue to comply with our 2020 Building Condition Survey and Visual Inspection, the scheduled lead-in-water testing, and ensuring we have the requisite number of bottle filling stations, toilets and sinks.

Each of our classrooms has a unit ventilator that meets the requirements of the International Mechanical Code and the NYSED for fresh air exchange. This equipment will be checked regularly to ensure they are in proper working order.

Any changes to our facilities must comply with the requirements of the 2020 New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and the State Energy Conservation Code, and would need approval by the Office of Facilities Planning. This includes any use of dividers in classrooms, libraries, cafeterias, auditoriums and gymnasiums. Any new construction or temporary quarter projects (including tents) or new facilities for leasing must be approved by the Office of Facilities Planning, and project submissions dedicated to COVID-19 Reopening will be labeled as such.