Family and Community Engagement

The Three Village Central School District Board of Education commissioned a Governance School Reopening Task Force and affiliated subcommittees, as well as parent/guardian and staff surveys to assure engagement with district stakeholders.

The Governance School Reopening Task Force and associate sub-committees included Board of Education Trustees, administration, staff, parent, and community representation. A total of 107 Individuals of the Three Village School Community participated on the task force and/or subcommittees. A listing of all task force and subcommittee members are referenced in the attached link.

The Three Village Central School District (TVCSD) School Reopening survey was developed to obtain the feedback of district families to examine the myriad issues and challenges presented by the pandemic. One unique survey link was emailed to one parent/guardian (per district household) with an enrolled child. If there were multiple parents/ guardians in the household, the parent email listed first in alphabetical order received an email with the survey link. The survey was fielded from July 10, 2020 to July 17, 2020. At the close of the survey, TVCSD received 2,328 submitted responses (66% response rate). Of the 2,328 households, this represents individual data on 3,734 students. All responses were anonymously reported.

In addition, the TVCSD School Reopening survey was developed to seek the feedback of faculty to examine the myriad issues and challenges presented by the pandemic. A survey link was emailed to each member of the instructional faculty. TAs with the parent/guardian survey, the faculty survey was fielded from July 10, 2020 to July 17, 2020. At the close of the survey, TVCSD received 681 submitted responses demonstrating a 90% response rate. All responses were anonymously reported.

Survey results have been communicated to families and staff. The parent/guardian survey has been posted to the district website. The attached link provides access to both surveys.

District website links specific to the reopening of school have been created on the district website providing information on the school reopening task force mission, guiding principles, committee membership, and survey results. The district website will be regularly updated to reflect parent and staff instructions, training, expectations, school signage, as well as a consistent venue to provide families, staff, and the community, at large with pertinent and timely information. In addition, the School Messenger system will be utilized to keep families and staff regularly apprised regarding any updated and salient issues and concerns.

In the event that a remote instructional plan is instituted, regular communication will be essential to keep school community stakeholders informed. In addition to fluid communication at the district level, it will be imperative to establish a building level communication protocol for family and staff. Feedback will also be sought via periodic surveys, which will be used to help guide and inform pertinent educational issues and concerns.

Throughout the past few months, the district has prepared signage that will be displayed in all schools addressing relevant issues related to healthy hygiene practices, proper use of masks, food sharing, and physical distancing. Additionally, the district is in the process of creating family and staff videos addressing guidelines and recommendations on the following apposite topics:

  • Attendance

  • Bus Transportation

  • Facility use, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting

  • Family Support and guidance focused on mental and emotional health and remote instruction, should the district need to institute a remote instruction

  • Food Service and Food sharing

  • Hand Hygiene

  • Instruction and Scheduling

  • Social and Emotional Well-being

  • Staff Professional Development and Support

  • Temperature Taking and Screening

  • Use of Masks and Physical Distancing