Child Nutrition

The Child Nutrition Department is planning on a safe and enjoyable school meal experience for our students for the 2020-21 school year. All students will have access to school meals. Students in school will have access to the regular school meal program in the cafeteria and other designated areas. In the event that remote learning becomes necessary, a grab-and-go option will be available for parent/guardian pick-up. The district will follow all NYS Child Nutrition Program regulations regarding school meal composition and grab-and-go meal pick up. Food will be prepared following food safety regulations and will be provided in a wrapped or covered container when necessary to prevent contamination. Cutlery will be wrapped in napkins or in individual plastic packages as mandated by the Suffolk County DOH. Students with food allergies will have alerts placed in the cafeteria Point of Sale (POS) computer program and alternate foods will be provided. If parents are picking up meals for students at a grab-and-go location, they will be asked about food allergies, so alternate foods can be provided. Additionally, a confidentially maintained list of students’ names and allergies will be available to the grab-and-go site manager, and at each POS station.

Students participating in the school cafeteria meal program will be required to follow new procedures. Students will be prompted to utilize the existing sinks in the cafeteria and/or hand sanitizer stations prior to entering the lunch line and after eating. Students will wear face masks and stay six feet apart while on the lunch line, and remain six feet apart while seated in the cafeteria. The district will continue to discourage food and beverage sharing by students. Signage will be placed in the cafeteria to remind students about hand washing, physical distancing and not sharing food and beverages. Students will be required to discard their trash in a proper manner prior to leaving the cafeteria. District custodial staff will ensure that tables in the cafeteria are properly cleaned and disinfected between each group of students, utilizing appropriate cleaning products.

All food service workers will be trained in and required to follow regulations and all applicable health and safety guidelines as set forth by the USDA Child Nutrition Program, and both the NYS and Suffolk County Departments of Health, including personal hygiene, proper food safety, use of personal protective equipment, and proper cleaning and sanitizing. Food service team leads will monitor for proper procedures of all staff members throughout the day. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) forms will be maintained and kept on file. Food service employees will be required to wear face masks while in the kitchen. In addition to hand washing, proper glove use including frequent changing will be reviewed and monitored. Kitchen surfaces and all high touch areas in the serving line and cafeteria will be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day.

Communication with families regarding access to meals and safety protocols will be made through the district website, as well as emails and phone calls, and will be available in the language spoken by the families.