Certification, Incidental,
Substitute and Student Teaching

Three Village Central School District ensures all instructional employees hold valid and appropriate certificates for their teaching assignments. Their certificates are matched to the subject(s) they will be required to teach. Prior to hiring new teachers, certifications are checked on the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) website to confirm certifications are valid and current. In addition, all certifications are checked for upcoming expiration during the school year. Teachers holding certifications that are soon to expire are notified and tracked until their certifications are either renewed or updated. A copy of teacher current certifications are printed from the TEACH website and maintained in personnel files, and the information is logged into the district employee management system.

Student Teaching is a requirement in New York State for college students who are pursuing degrees in education. Student teachers must comply with the requirements and guidelines from NYSED. The process involves both an observation period and a direct student teaching experience. The district accepts student teachers each year from several universities and colleges in our region and throughout the nation. Student teachers can be accommodated in each of the instructional plans. The participation of student teachers in the classroom setting will enhance the educational experience of the students and provide assistance to the classroom teacher as they learn from their experience. The district plans to support a robust student teaching program as it was beneficial in both a remote and in-person schedule.