Argent X Wallet Extension for Chrome and Firefox

Argent X is a Chrome plugin-based, open-source wallet for the famous alpha L2 platform. It's the first crypto wallet on StarkNet API into the JavaScript context of all websites to enable dApps to provide transactions performed through the wallet. Users can check every transaction and reject or approve it with the wallet, just like the ETH wallet. But before initiating each transaction, you have to create a wallet by installing the Argent X Wallet Extension in the chrome web store and Firefox add-ons. Argent X enables users to protect their Private Keys when their account is a Smart Contract and dealing with Dapps. 

Advantages of Argent X Wallet

Unparalleled UX 

Each account is a famous smart contract with an in-built multicall. Because of account abstraction, launch new use cases and support the real potential of blockchains. 

Open Source 

The wallet offers transparency like no other crypto wallet. It examines each line of code, fork, and change with ease.

Easy to Develop 

The wallet integrates dApps and develops missing functions easily. Acquire compatible Argent support, and discover different ideas with the team on Github and Discord. 

High-level security 

Created with fraud protection and native smart recovery by the community who developed smart-contract wallets on ETH.    

How to Create Argent X Wallet?

Before using the wallet, you should download it and register an account for yourself. To do so, you can check out the simple procedure provided below. 

Method to Deposit Assets on Argent X Wallet

After setting up an account, you should deposit some assets to begin your trading journey. In the below example, we are using the StarkSwap faucet to create ten LAN and BAR tokens. The assets will take a couple of minutes to reach your wallet. Just follow the easy steps provided below. 

How to Exchange Tokens on Argent X Wallet

To swap between tokens, you must deposit some tokens in your account. After depositing assets in your account, you can go through the detailed procedure below to swap between tokens. 

Final Words

Argent X Wallet is the best wallet for the Starknet L2 solutions as an extension wallet. As with the maximum browser-based wallets, users can create and run accounts, ultimately connecting them to various and multiple Dapps on StrakNet. StarkNet is exceptionally versatile and offers an additional layer of complexity to an average user. The wallet is great for hiding that complexity and permits users to perform transactions securely with low fees. The above guide briefly explores the Argent X Wallet and StarkNet, the new and amazing technologies that are becoming famous in the ETH world.