your digital Footprint

What is a 'Digital Footprint'?

A digital footprint paints a picture of who you are online. It is one's online reputation and can (unfortunately) be copied, pasted, used, and seen. It is all the information you leave behind as you explore and interact with the Internet. It is quite helpful in getting to know someone, but can be equally dangerous if used incorrectly.

Remember: Anything you do can be seen by any other online people. This includes hackers and identity thieves, so be careful of what you do online. See our other sections for more information.

Two Types of Digital Footprints

There are two types of digital footprints: Passive and active. Both, if used incorrectly, can be harmful.

Passive: A passive digital footprint is created when the user's information is taken or seen without the user knowing. This most commonly means that someone is stealing or gaining access to your bank account, private information, etc. This can also mean that someone has mentioned your name online.

Active: An active digital footprint is created when the user intentionally shares information online. See our "How to Establish a Positive Digital Footprint" page for more information about keeping a good active digital footprint.

If you don't establish a digital footprint, someone else can by simply mentioning your name.

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  • You may begin your digital footprint when you are at least 13 years old.
  • You can do anything to try to erase a digital footprint but you then will never be erased from the Internet. This means nothing in your digital footprint can be erased.
  • If someone mentions you or says something about you it is in your digital footprint.
  • Everything you do online is stored inside a remote place in the Internet that you may have never known about.