
Getting My Round Tuit

Here I am, having a simple (okay maybe not so simple) draft and lunch at my local pub.

I'll have to imagine the place, since it was so long ago. Perhaps it was the Claddagh Cottage where they make an astounding Chicken and Mushroom Pie and serve Guinness fresh on tap.

Did you know that Guinness actually has a program where they teach bartenders to pour a perfect stout? It's an artform!

I look down at the coaster under my glass, where the humidity from my beer is slowly condensing. It's round and the printing on it, rather than being the usual beer advertizement, just says "Tuit."

That's right, I finally got a round tuit. Of course you know I'm taking that puppy home and putting it on my wall as a reminder!

Am I procrastinating getting to my point?

Maybe a little. But it's a creative bit of procrastination. And hopefully can help you find ways to get motivated and get things done. In a way that allows you to feel good about yourself, release stress and be a more relaxed person.

What is Procrastination?

We all procrastinate here and there. In our crazy busy lives there are just so many things to do. Sometimes we just get overwhelmed with them all.

In Tarot it’s the wand cards that talk about energy and our use or misuse of that. Any time I’m reading a client and see a bunch of wand cards come up, I can tell that it’s a stressful busy time for them.

“Feeling like you’re stressed out and going in circles?” I’ll say.

Of course they laugh.

Procrastination Is a Sign

When we procrastinate it’s usually telling us one of two things. Either we’re faced with doing something we don’t want to do, or we’re trying to do so much that our bodies and minds are shutting down and forcing us to make a change.

Too much stress and too much doing-ness can actually make us physically ill. If you find yourself dealing with a winter or spring cold, or a summer flu, it might be a sign that you’re bombarding yourself with work and need to slow down.

Allow yourself to breathe. Relax. Read a book. Meditate.

If on the other hand, you’re so overwhelmed that you can’t get up the energy to do anything, that’s a sign that you are probably doing something you don’t want to. What would you like to change in your life? What do you need to let go of?