

Enlightenment is a state that you can experiment when you go beyond the mind. Buddha called it the other shore. We are on this shore where darkness or ignorance prevail. This is the shore of reasoning.The other shore is the shore of intuition, the shore of light: Enlightenment!


Atman is the source of wisdom, freedom, peace, happiness and beyond! Atman is our inner nature, our reality. The person, who we think we are, is a mere illusion. The person is dreaming and Atman is waiting for that person to wake up. The dream is what we call life. Life, as we know it, is not real. It is based on selfishness. Atman is love, freedom, happiness.

This stage is called SAMADHY, please check WHAT IS RAJA YOGA (link at the bottom). Meditation takes you to Samadhy the Supreme and divine blessing of the presence of Atman. Nobody goes there with his own effort, but because Atma’s love.


Samadhi is a state where a yogi gets in touch with his/her own inner divinity. Why are there so many similarities among all civilizations? Because the source of all of them is only one: ATMAN or THE INNER FATHER. All those great sages get their knowledge from Samadhi. That is the state where the soul becomes one with the spirit (Atman). While meditation is the common name in Hinduism, Buddhism and other religions the word for that in Christianity is CONTEMPLATION. It is said that the Christian saints saw and talk to the divine as real yogis do in meditation.

All the similarities among all civilizations are teling us that it was a common source. It was SAMADHI. That is why meditation was practiced by all cultures of the world.


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All yogis explain the experience of the Samadhi in a metaphoric way because it is not a way to understand what is beyond the mind. The mind can understand only things it knows, but Samadhi is beyond the mind. It is not the mind that experiments Samadhi, actually thoughts make interference for experimenting the divine bliss.

Explaining the Samadhi is a hard situation because the yogi has to explain what is beyond words. Only through metaphors it can be explained.

This is a way:

The experience of Samadhi is like bringing a drop of water to the ocean. The drop of water is the soul and the ocean is Atman. Now let the drop of water fall into the ocean and, after that, look for the little single drop. Where is it? Now it is everywhere! Now it is not a single drop, but millions of it making one single ocean. There is not a single drop any longer, but a whole ocean.

The soul becomes one with Atman when both get together. All the power and wisdom and love of Atman is experimented by the soul of the yogi.

Nevertheless, after the experience of Samadhi is finished then Atman and the soul are separated back again. The soul needs to experiment this more and more until one day it really becomes one with the Inner Father. That is what Buddha, Jesus and all the great ancient Masters did.

Explaining Atman is not easy at all either. Why? Because he is beyond the body and the mind. All great sages had to use metaphors to explain him too.

This is one:

One Zen Master was asked by his disciple: > His Master told him to pick up a seed that was by his foot. The he told his disciple to open it. After that he asked: << What is inside? >> The monk replied that nothing was inside. Then the great Master said: << That is the Being. >>