

1. Make the bedroom a love sanctuary! Make use of red, pink, and white, do not allow “work” objects such as computers, fax machines, or even exercise equipment in there, and make sure your bedding is luxurious!

2. Hang pink quartz crystals in the windows of certain rooms to reflect the light and create a loving energy in your home. Quartz that is pink or clear may also help purify rooms and may even help with fertility if you believe in the power of crystals. (Hang clear quartz on your headboard when you are trying to conceive.)

3. Do NOT have pictures of family members, friends, or children in the bedroom where lovemaking goes on. Have those pictures in any other rooms in the house, but NOT the Master Bedroom – the room of romance, lust, and love! It creates an uncomfortable, awkward atmosphere. Also, no mirrors! (Okay, maybe in the closet if it is a walk-in…) If you MUST have a mirror in the bedroom, the worst places for mirrors are above the bed or on the wall behind the bed. Having mirrors in these places is like inviting other people into your relationship and fueling the relationship with negative energy. NOT good for love and romance!

4. Do not limit love colors to the Master Bedroom as you also want love between the members of your family and among the friends who enter your home. You can include red, pink, and white in small ways – like with candles, flowering plants, accent pillows, picture frames, etc.

5. Make sure to fill your home with things you love. If there are things you DON’T love that you feel you also can’t get rid of in your home, put them in storage, tuck them in a closet, or put them in a place that is not very visible. Objects that evoke negative energy also create and circulate negative energy and take away from the love!


1. Have a brightly colored welcome mat at the front door to welcome in positive energy, good chi, positive social interactions, opportunity, and success.

2. Hang wind chimes by the front entrance to your home to encourage the flow of good chi, positive energy, and wisdom.

3. Have birdbaths, planters, and/or feeders to attract wildlife. Animals bring with them positive, natural, life energy.

4. Clear out clutter to make room for new opportunities. Make especially sure that your entry way into your home is not cluttered.

5. Fill your home with things that inspire you. From art, to photos of family members, to stylish furniture, to books, to figurines (elephants are a GREAT choice!) your home should reflect you, things you have, things you are aspiring to, things you dream of, and things that make you want to continue on each day.

Designing and Decorating a Happy, Healthy Home

Paint Colors and What They Mean, Color Themes, and Playing with Patterns


RED: vitality, love, energy, passion, lust, fire, anger, hunger, overt sexuality, rebellion

ORANGE: health, attraction, energy, wealth, happiness, positive attitudes, friendship, communication, social skills

YELLOW: rebirth, freshness, cleanliness, warmth, optimism, cheer, focus, fun, youthfulness

GREEN: well-being, fertility, nature, restfulness, eco-friendly living, freedom, balance, growth, hard earned money

BLUE: trust, loyalty, intelligence, calm, faith, stability, music, medicine, progress, integrity, natural balance and flow

PURPLE: imagination, meditation, luxury, spirituality, royalty, creativity, inspiration, wisdom, magic, enlightenment, peace

PINK: beauty, tenderness, sympathy, emotions, love, innocent sexuality, a whimsical nature, silliness, babies

BROWN: convention, comfort, reliability, sturdiness, wood, rustic settings, higher education, farming, protection

BLACK: boldness, richness, power, elegance, strength, mystery, maturity, death, realism, confidence, style

WHITE: peace, purity, freshness, a open nature, honesty, religion, perfection, completion, life, innocence, humility