austin seo expert

SquidBits: My Squidoo SEO Blog

Uncovering the Secrets of Squidoo!

Here's all my notes, experiments, and wisdom on SEO for Squidoo. I also explore what influences lensrank, what social networking sites are best for SEO, and much more!

Featured Squidoo Lenses on SEO

Take all SEO advice from Squidoo lensmasters -- including me! -- with grains of salt. Most of us are journeymen, not professionals, and even professionals tend to repeat the same advice over and over without necessarily testing it. Nonetheless, I see some good SEO advice on these Squidoo lenses.


Helpful Books for Successful Webpages


Feedback, Final Comments

Twitter Share on Facebook Digg Stumbleupon Delicious Email ItI hope you've found this Squidoo SEO tutorial useful. If it was really useful, then please pass it on.

Now go forth, and make great webpages!

Note: This guestbook is NoFollow, and I am picky about links. If I'm sure the webpage it points to is helpful to my readers, I'll let a link stand. Otherwise I delete the comment. Sorry, linkbuilding just to benefit your own site is Linkspam!

A Must Have Firefox add-ons for Blogger and Web Developer

This time I will try to share about Mozilla Firefox Add Ons For Blogger and Web Developer. These add ons are very good add ons to improve performance your blog especially in layout, and web developer, also for SEO purpose.


FireBugFirebug TutorialWeb DeveloperFirefox Web Developer Add-onSEO QuakeNoDofollowMore


One of the best add-ons from Firefox geared towards those who write code, helps with HTML, debugging JavaScript, and so much more. Firebug allows you to do the following:

1 Edit and review HTML

2 Tweak CSS

3 CSS Metrics

4 Monitor your network activity

5 Find errors quickly

6 Explore the Document Object Model (DOM)

7 Logging for JavaScript

Many users love Firebug for all of the features that it offers, and because it works great with Firefox, it is always free of charge to use.

Download Firebug

Firebug Tutorial

Firebug tutorial

by VladDidenko | video info

12 ratings | 8,503 views

curated content from YouTube

Web Developer

From the name you know this add ons for. This is designed specifically for the Web Developer. The features such as CSS, FORM, Images, etc. This is The best add-on available for troubleshooting website issues. I used it all the time when I'm debugging browser issues or debugging web page issues. It's hard to do without it.

Download Web Developer

Firefox Web Developer Add-on

Firefox Web Developer Add-on

by mlbalmeo | video info

2 ratings | 316 views

curated content from YouTube

SEO Quake

Add Ons is more suitable for a blogger than web developer because it is provided purely for blogger, especially internet marketer.

What's in SEO Quake?

You can see this feature at SEO Quake toolbars easily

PR : PageRank

I : Number of indexed pages in Google

L : Number of links pointing to that that SINGLE page

LD : Link Domain, which is the total number of backlinks for the domain

I : Number of pages indexed in MSN

Rank : Alexa Rank

Age : domain age (which ShoeMoney blocks so that's why we don't see it.)

I : The Delicious Index or the number of times the page was bookmarked on delicious.

whois: The domain's whois information.

This add-ons is powerfull to spying your competitor in search engine.

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