

Sports is one way to distance themselves from the risk of obesity. Maybe that's what causes people who rarely exercise are likely to experience obesity. The results of a recently published study showed a correlation between exercise laziness with obesity.

Recently, a study revealed that women who are over weighting heavy exercise only one hour in a year. While men are overweight also are not much better. They exercised less than four hours a year.

The Researchers

Initially the researchers wanted to find a better way to measure a person’s level of exercise performed. Instead they find this surprising fact.

British researchers say that obese people simply live from one chair to another.

"So far we are not aware of how active they are. Among them there may be active, but the comparison is very small compared with other obese people who are not active, "he said.

Overweight or obesity is in the spotlight of today’s health professionals. Because the number of people with obesity increases significantly, even to developing countries. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke, diabetes, and cancer.

But one expert noted, vigorous exercise is defined in this study is very limited. Even the researchers admit, the tool used to track physical activity in this study is also not good enough in sports such as swimming or cycling.

The Results of Survey

In this study, the researchers analyzed the results of a survey of adults aged 20-74 in 2005-2006. They use a special tool that keeps track of physical activity, diet, and sleep patterns of 2,600 adults. Tool that is used to track physical activity of participants.

The study defines vigorous exercise such as jogging or jumping rope. Researchers found that the average obese woman exercising about an hour in a year. In men, 3.6 hours per year .

Archer said the inactivity of participants seen from the kids to school by car , sitting at a desk all day , mostly playing video games , and go to sleep . Though at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week can prevent weight gain and improve health.

John Jakicic, head of the department of health and physical activity at the University of Pittsburgh, U.S. says the results of this study important to drive the spirit of physical activity. However, the definition of vigorous exercise very limited and not based on the level of health of each participant. For example, in people who are obese, walking is fairly strenuous exercise.