Tinkham Counseling

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year!!!

I am Dion Duckett, counselor at Tinkham and I look forward to working with you and helping you to plan your "Next Step"- Life after high school.

If you need to contact me immediately, email me at duckettd@wwcsd.net

Check out these college virtual events this week- you must register to ATTEND!!

The Infinite Scholars Program Host Virtual College Fair Week

When: 11/9-11/13, 4p-8p (each evening)

Register: www.detroitmi.gov/brendajones

St. Clair County Community College-Camp College

When: Wednesday, Nov 11th, 1p-3p

Register: send email to recruitment@sc4.edu.

Henry Ford College- Camp College

When: Thursday, Nov. 12th, 1p-3p

Register: https://www.hfcc.edu/campcollege

Washtenaw Community College - Campus Explore

When: Friday, Nov. 13th, 9:30a-11:30a



Career Assessment

Not sure what you want to do for a career? Check out Schoolcraft College Career Coach Assessment: Career Coach

Take a Virtual College Tour

check out this youtube video and take a virtual campus tour of Michigan Colleges and Universities: Michigan Colleges and Universities- Virtual Tour

Applying to college

Start your college search today.. October is the month you should start applying to colleges: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/

FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid

The 21-22 FAFSA is Now available!! If you are interested in attending college next fall you will need to fill out the FAFSA. see link for more info: https://studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/fafsa/filling-out.

You can start the process now by applying and obtaining your FSA ID: https://fsaid.ed.gov/npas/index.htm


Are you interested in the military? Do you know what careers are offered in the military?



If you are going straight into the workforce after graduation, contact Michigan Worksor Pure Michigan Talent Connect for job opportunities :

Michigan Works- SEMCA: https://www.semca.org/job-center/wayne/

Pure Michigan Talent Connect: https://www.mitalent.org/

If you need assistance email me and we can set up a time to meet virtually.

William D. Ford Career Center

Career Center Courses