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A Guide to Buying a Realistic Sex Doll that Feels Like the Real Thing

Sex dolls may have been around for quite some time, but the current trend is a growing demand for the most realistic sex doll. These dolls are now designed to look and feel like real human beings, with features such as realistic skin texture, flexible joints, and even moaning sound effects to add to the experience. If you’re interested in purchasing one of these dolls, here’s a guide on what to look for and consider.


The most realistic sex dolls are usually made of silicone or TPE (thermoplastic elastomer), both of which provide a lifelike skin texture and feel. While silicone is more durable and easier to clean, TPE is softer and can be more flexible. The material used depends on the buyer’s preference.

Body Type

Different body types are available when considering the most realistic sex doll. Some sellers offer pre-designed doll models, while others offer options to customize body types with different breast sizes, waist thickness, and hip circumferences. Buyers should consider what body type is desirable, and choose accordingly.


The most realistic sex doll should include certain features to enhance the experience of having one. These features can include realistic orifices, such as lifelike vaginas, anuses, and mouths, and responsive touch sensors that react to touch on various body parts. Some dolls may also include heating elements, so that they can be warmed to body temperature to further enhance realism.

Accessories and Clothing

Accessories and clothing can help further enhance the realism of the sex doll. A wig can add a different hair color or style to the doll, while lingerie can add depth and eroticism to the experience. Additional accessories can include lubricants, condoms, and even a maintenance kit to help take care of the doll when unused.

Care and Maintenance

Maintenance is key when it comes to owning a sex doll. Cleaning the dolls before and after use with soap and warm water is essential to keeping them in good condition. Storage should be considered, as well as the temperature of the area in which the doll is stored. TPE dolls, for example, do not fare well in high heat.


The most realistic sex doll can provide a unique and satisfying experience when it comes to sexual encounters. However, it is important to take into consideration the materials used, body type, desired features, accessories, and care and maintenance before purchasing one. Buyers should also ensure that they have a secure storage area, and that they are willing to commit the time necessary in taking care of their new companion.