Practical Facial Landmark Detection

Being accurate, efficient, and compact is essential to a facial landmark detector for practical use. To simultaneously consider the three concerns, this work investigates a neat model with promising detection accuracy under wild environments and super real-time speed on a mobile device. Concretely, we customize an end-to-end single stage network associated with acceleration techniques. During the training, for each sample, rotation information is estimated for geometrically regularizing landmark localization, which is then NOT involved in the testing phase. A novel loss is designed to, besides considering the geometrical regularization, mitigate the issue of data imbalance by adjusting weights of samples to different states, such as large pose, extreme lighting, and occlusion, in the training set. Our model can be merely 2.1Mb of size and reach over 140 fps per face on a mobile phone (Qualcomm ARM 845 processor) with high precision, making it attractive for large-scale or real-time applications.

The demo system based on PFLD 0.25X can be accessed from the following link in the form of a .zip file. Demo code

This demo software is provided for research purposes only. A license must be obtained for any commercial applications.

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