Prof. Dr. Martijn J. van den Assem


Visiting and postal address:
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Main Building, Room 7A-58
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands

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I am a Professor of Finance at the School of Business and Economics of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). The scope of my chair is judgment and decision making. Most of my research projects are empirical, and use data from unconventional sources such as television game shows, lotteries and sports. I teach in BSc, MSc, PhD and post-experience programs.

I am affiliated with the Tinbergen Institute as a Research Fellow (TI), and serve as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (JEBO). I am one of the founders and organizers of the biennial Research in Behavioral Finance Conference (RBFC) series.

Working papers

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Selected other publications in English

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Selected other publications in Dutch

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(c) Martijn van den Assem, 2024