Vasiliki Velona Anastasiou

 I'm a post-doctoral researcher at the Einstein Institute of Mathematics,  at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  My hosts are Ori Gurel-Gurevich, Ohad Feldheim, Gil Kalai.

Before that, I did a PhD in Applied Mathematics at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia  (defended on September 17, 2021).  My thesis advisors were Gábor Lugosi and Juanjo Rué.  Part of my PhD was also done at Pompeu Fabra University, where I was hosted as a research assistant.

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Publications and Preprints

Python code to generate a BCMRT(q):
Visualisations: bcmrt_figures.pdf 

An extension for the case q>1/2 in the preferential attachment model can be found in my PhD thesis .

Conference version accepted in 'Discrete Mathematics Days 2018' in Sevilla, Spain, and  published in 'Electronic Notes in  Discrete Mathematics'.

Conference version accepted in 'Eurocomb 2019' in Bratislava, Slovakia, and published in 'Acta Mathematica  Universitatis Comenianae'.

I defended my PhD thesis on September 17, 2021, with title: A study on structure recovery and the broadcasting problem. ( link )