UCLA JWST Proposal Planning Workshop

Workshop Rationale

JWST will (hopefully) be launched on March 30, 2021. It will become the next generation flagship multi-purpose space telescope equipped with dazzling observational capabilities. Its spectrographs and imagers will provide data beyond those yet seen by any astronomers. However, great promise comes at the price of more difficult pre-observation planning, larger overheads, more stringent target constraints, etc. To help astronomers familiarize with the various observing modes available at JWST, and therefore write the most successful proposals, we are organizing a workshop at UCLA on Feb. 6, 2020. Dr. Xin Wang — one of the participants in the inaugural JWST master class — will offer several lectures focused on the JWST proposal planning process and lead hands-on training activities.

Workshop Logistics

Time: February 6th, 8am to 5pm

Venue: conference room 4-330 in the Physics and Astronomy Building at UCLA


This workshop is free, but we are unable to provide financial support on lodging and meals. Any participants from out of town should find and book their own hotel.