Tania Treibich

Associate Professor in Economics,   

Maastricht University

My RePEc page  -- My Google Scholar page -- My ORCID page 

My CV 


New report out on the state of the French economy from the micro perspective, published by OFCE:  Guillou et al. (2023) "Le tissu productif en France, 2010-2020", OFCE Sciences Po. 

EU Horizon 2020/Europe projects: 

Member of the DIAMOND Horizon Europe project, 2022-2026

Member of the PILLARS H2020 research project, 2020-2023

Member and WP leader of the GROWINPRO H2020 research project , 2018-2022 

Associate editor, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2022-2025

Elected member of the Society for Computational Economics Advisory Council, 2023 - . 

Research fields: Agent-based computational economics, Industrial Dynamics, Innovation Studies, Trade


Email: t.treibich[at]maastrichtuniversity.nl;  Office: A4.06 - (+31) 4338 84606

School of Business and Economics, Tongersestraat 53, 6211 LM Maastricht, Netherlands; 

Publications in peer-reviewed journals 

Martins Neto, A., N. Mathew, P. Mohnen and T. Treibich (forthcoming) "Is there job polarization in developing economies? A review and outlook",

World Bank Research Observer (also as UNU-MERIT Working paper 2021-45). DOI

Guerini, M., F. Lamperti, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini and T. Treibich (2022) "Unconventional Monetary Policies in an Agent-Based Model with Mark-to-Market Standards",

Review of Evolutionary and Political Economy, Vol 3, pages 73–107 (also as ISIGrowth Working Paper 27/2018). DOI

van Gemert, T.,  L. Lieb and T. Treibich (2022), "Local Fiscal Multipliers of Different Government Spending Categories",  

Empirical Economics. DOI

Domini, G., M. Grazzi, D. Moschella and T. Treibich (2022), "For whom the bell tolls: the effects of automation on wage and gender inequality within firms", 

Research Policy, Vol. 51 (LEM WP and JRC WP). DOI 

Best Paper Award at CONCORDi 2021- Industrial innovation for competitive sustainability conference (Nov 2021) 

Lamperti, F., Bosetti, V., A. Roventini, M. Tavoni and T. Treibich (2021), "Three green financial policies to address climate risks",

Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 54 (also LEM Working Paper 2021/05).  DOI

Domini, G., M. Grazzi, D. Moschella and T. Treibich (2021), "Threats and opportunities in the digital era: automation spikes and employment dynamics",

Research Policy , Vol. 50 (WP version available here). DOI

Dosi, G., M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, J.E. Stiglitz and T. Treibich (2020), "Rational Heuristics? Expectations and Behaviors in Evolving Economies with Heterogeneous, Interacting Agents",  

Economic Inquiry, Vol. 58,  pp 1487-1516. (also NBER WP w26922) DOI

Cited in the New York Times (October 2022)

Guillou, S. and T. Treibich (2019), "Firm Export Diversification and Change in Workforce Composition", 

Review of World Economics, Vol. 155, pp 645–676. DOI

Dosi, G., M. Napoletano, A. Roventini and T. Treibich (2019), "Debunking the Granular Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations: From Real Business Cycles back to Keynes", 

Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 29, pp 67–90 . DOI

Brenner, T., M. Capasso, K. Frenken, M. Duschl and T. Treibich (2018), "Causal relations between Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and regional employment growth",

 Regional Studies, Vol. 52, pp 172-183. DOI

Capasso, M., K. Frenken, and T. Treibich (2017), "Sectoral co-movements of employment growth at regional level", 

Economic Systems Research, Vol. 29, pp 82-104. DOI

Dosi, G., M. Napoletano, A. Roventini and T. Treibich (2017), "Micro and Macro Policies in the Keynes+Schumpeter Evolutionary Models", 

Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 27, pp 63-90. DOI

Bernini, M. and T. Treibich (2016), "Killing a second bird with one stone? Promoting firm capital growth and export through tax policy", 

Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 25, pp 829-845. DOI

Grazzi, M., N. Jacoby and T. Treibich (2016), "Dynamics of Investment and Firm performance: Comparative evidence from manufacturing industries", 

Empirical Economics, Vol. 51, pp. 125-179. DOI

Guillou, S. and T. Treibich (2015), "Impôts, charges sociales et compétitivité. Le CICE : un instrument mixte", 

Revue de l'OFCE, Vol. 139, pp 63-88.   >> Media coverage: Les Echos

Grazzi, M., N. Jacoby and T. Treibich (2015), "Persistance du comportement d'investissement dans le secteur manufacturier français", 

Revue d'Economie Industrielle, Vol. 150, pp 51-79.

Capasso, M., T. Treibich and B. Verspagen (2015), "The Medium-Term Effect of R&D on Firm Growth", 

Small Business Economics, Vol 45, pp 39-62. DOI

Dosi, G., G. Fagiolo, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini and T. Treibich (2015), "Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Complex Evolving Economies", 

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol 52, pp 166-189. DOI

Treibich, T., K.Konrad and B.Truffer (2013), "A dynamic view on interactions between academic spin-offs and their parent organizations", 

Technovation, Vol 33(12), pp 450-462. DOI

Book chapters

Dosi, G., M. Napoletano, A. Roventini and T. Treibich (2016), "The Short- and Long-Run Damages of Austerity: Keynes beyond Schumpeter", J.E. Stiglitz and M. Guzman Eds., in "Contemporary Issues in Macroeconomics: Lessons from The Crisis and Beyond", Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 79-100.


Not published 

In progress