Distributional symmetries and independences

Organized by Guillaume Cébron, Antoine Dahlqvist, Franck Gabriel and Camille Male.

Dates: November 16 - 17, 2017

Venue: Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux, Bordeaux University. 351, cours de la Libération - F 33 405 TALENCE

Funded by a "Projet Exploratoire Premier Soutien Jeunes chercheur-e-s" obtained by the organizers and the GDR MEGA (Matrices Et Graphes Aléatoires)

Thursday: Room N°1

Friday: Room N°2

Aim of the thematic meeting

The study of symmetries and independences of noncommutative distributions is an active area with applications in various fields like classical and free probability, spectral theory, random matrix theory. The aim of the workshop is to discuss various techniques, developments and applications in the study of noncommutative distributions, including for example: the use of noncommutative rational functions, the actions of (quantum) groups, the traffic independence, the operadic approaches.

University of California

Saarland University

Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse)

Kyoto University

Saarland University

University College Cork

University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)

Saarland University

Saarland University

A pdf version of the program will be soon available. It will be distributed in printed form during the registration, November 16, 13:30.

In case you are interested in participating to the meeting, please fill out the application form. Limited financial support for undergraduate, graduate and PdD students may be available to help for local expenses and travel costs.