Sweetening Alternates You Can Consider Reducing Sugar Intake

Energy producing carbohydrates come from a lot of foods but sugar is the most considerable one. Generally speaking, we naturally crave sugar because it can give an energy boost. It also results in the release of serotonin endorphins and other chemical from out brain in order to provide overall relaxation to the body.

Nevertheless, there are downsides of refined sugar consumption as well. Consumption of table sugar or high-fructose corn syrup at high extent can result in the development of cardiovascular diseases, dental issues and diabetes. Sugar basically nurtures oral bacteria which can further lead to several oral health issues including tooth decay and gum problems.

The sugar intake moderation is not very easy thing to do, especially in a scenario when we are often forced to consume a lot of processed foods. So, avoiding processed foods most of the times and consuming fresh fruits and vegetables can help in avoiding the high intake of sugar. People also consider using sugar substitutes. A study suggests that nearly 85% of Americans consume sugar alternates in some way. But, most of them do not know about this consumption. So, keeping an eye on the ingredients of sweetening options is highly necessary because suitability of these options should be kept in consideration.

Sugar substitutes are normally the artificial or manufactured products which are composed of extractions from natural substances such as stevia or sorbitol. One thing worth mentioning about all artificial sweeteners is that all types of these sweeteners are focused on not encouraging the oral bacterial growth. Furthermore, nearly all artificial sweeteners are usually considered safe for consumption. However, they may still cause side effects for the individuals with certain medical conditions. For instance, people with a genetic disorder, known as phenylketonuria, usually fail to process aspartame. So, they should avoid aspartame consumption.

An interesting fact about a sweetening substitute, xylitol, is that it may be helpful in oral health. Xylitol is made to inhibit bacterial growth in the mouth; so it may be helpful in avoiding the tooth decay. Certain gum and mint products usually have xylitol as primary ingredient.

To conclude, it is recommended that sugar substitutes be used only after analyzing the side effects they may cause. If you are not prone to the side effects of a particular sweetener, you should actually go for it. The recommended way of selecting a sweetener for consumption is to check the ingredient table before purchasing. Moreover, you should also consult with your dentist and health physician before picking a sweetening substitute.