Tips for the Success of Local SEO

Local SEO is getting more importance with every passing day. Different tools and platforms have made it easier for every local business to get listed online and show up in the Google results. However, dominating in the search results has become more challenging due to increased competition.

So, it would be worth mentioning the factors that may work for your local SEO. Below are the tips by experts that may help you start strong local SEO campaign.

The citation profile

Remember, you may have a good looking website for your local business, but it starts with a strong citation profile.

According to Mark Scully of Learn Inbound, “One of the most important aspects of Local SEO continues to be citations. You haven’t a hope of outperforming your local competition if you’re not investing a large proportion of your time into getting yourself listed on quality industry and city specific citation sources.”

The citations should be up-to-date

It is important to keep the citation page up-to-date. You wouldn’t want your customers to miss any of the updates about your business.

According to Craig Campbell, “It is also important to keep all the data on your listings consistent, using the same structure and information, and avoiding abbreviations as this will just lead to confusion with Google.”

Encourage reviews

Reviews hold special importance in local SEO. In fact, sometimes it’s the reviews that make substantial difference in the end. If your business is having a good number of positive reviews, you are surely going to have more incoming internet traffic, leading to the allocation of better rank by Google.

According to Sam Charles of Float Digital, “Reviews are a huge part of the internet now, and undoubtedly pivotal for businesses. Ninety-two percent of people regularly or occasionally read online reviews (BrightLocal, 2015), and 90 percent of people say online reviews influence their purchase decisions (Dimensional Research, 2013). If increasing conversions wasn’t enough, reviews work wonders for your local visibility, too.

Produce better content

It surely doesn’t need much of explanation but, just to emphasize the importance, content is something that should be of good quality.

According to Freddie Chatt of EcomHacker, “Don’t neglect the need to produce epic content to improve your local SEO. Even a single great piece of content can make a vast difference to your local rankings with the correct internal linking through to your main pages.

Creating better (this could mean more in-depth, better designed or additional insights, as just a few examples) content, albeit less of it, will undoubtedly have a much better long term gain than a higher volume of poor quality pieces of content on a regular basis.