Summer Trisectors

Workshop 2021

In case you're looking for the Summer Trisectors Workshop 2022, click here

Virtual Workshop: June 1 - June 5, 2021

Pre-workshop introductory talks by Peter Lambert-Cole (Georgia), Maggie Miller (MIT), and Juanita Pinzón Caicedo (Notre Dame): May 27 - May 28

Join us for an online problem-solving workshop hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and supported by NSF Award DMS-1664578. Participants will generate open problems related to 4-manifold trisections and work on problems in small groups. Participants will be offered a modest stipend to allow them to fully commit to attending the workshop.

A trisection of the 4-torus constructed by Marla Williams
Support made possible by the NSF FRG Award DMS-1664578