About Shellharbour City U3A Inc.

Shellharbour City U3A Inc. encourages retired people to take part in lifelong learning activities for pleasure; to bounce ideas, think, learn and socialise together.  There is no requirement for prior qualifications, no exams, no stress and no degrees awarded.  Come along, have fun, meet new people, enjoy yourself and stimulate your mind at the same time.

U3A (University of the Third Age) is a volunteer, not for profit based organisation involved in the sharing of knowledge, skills and interests and promotes the many benefits of life long learning.

Shellharbour City U3A was established in 2003.

We are delighted to have our new premises to hold our activities for the next five years. 

 We now have two new venues – Centenary Hall in Albion Park 

on Mondays and Oak Flats Neighbourhood Centre on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 

Christmas in July at Oak Flats Bowling Club 2/7/2024

Last Tuesday 67 U3A members enjoyed a great Christmas in July function at Oak Flats Bowling Club.

It was a different format going to the Club for the function  but there was lots of positive feedback and it will probably now become an annual event.

Several members lead by Julie Drysdale gave us a some  memories of their Christmas' past and you will see them in the accompanying image carousel.

The Club gave us a lovely meal and members dressed in their Christmas finery and a great time was had by all.

An added special presentation of flowers and a plant was made by President Wayne to Di Phillips and Pam Watt who are retiring from their duty as 'tea ladies'. 

It was as an acknowledgement and a thank you to them for their years of organising the afternoon tea for our Tuesday meetings.  

Bus Trip to Camden

Copy of CamdenTrip


Shellharbour City Council is running some events in July and August which may be of interest to some of our members.  Events include information on National Pain Week.  Bookings are essential.  Please click on the link below for further information. 
