
Staring up at the sky uplifts the soul, withers away the petty stresses of our eartly existence and leaves us to wonder about the beauty of the universe and our place in it. Looking vertically up near midnight under clear skies, without light pollution, give us the above fantastic view of the centre of our galaxy. Alas, one third of humanity cannot see it due to light pollution.


Please download the SkySafari app on your smart phone. The app tells you which notable constellations, planets, are up in sky at your location at that moment. You can even point your phone upwards towards the zenith and the app will give you the view of the sky under ideal conditions right then. It informs you about the rising and setting of notable constellations, planets, International Space Station too. It is a must-have for an astronomy lover.

Embark  on an Epic Journey
Explore the wonders of space and unravel the secrets of galaxies and planetary system

Planetary Exploration 

Discover the wonders of different planets and their unique characteristics. 

Black Hole Mysteries

Dive into the enigma of black holes and explore the depths of space-time curvature.

Stellar Evolution

Witness the birth and death of stars, and learn about their incredible life cycles.

Galactic Beauty

Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of nebulae and distant galaxies

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore the wonders of the universe with AstroSpace. Journey through galaxies, witness cosmic events, and uncover the mysteries of celestial bodies.

What is the best time to observe a meteor shower? 

The best time to observe a meteor shower is during its peak, usually late at night or in the early hours of the morning

How do stars form in nebulae?

Stars are born in clouds of gas and dust. One such stellar nursery is the Orion Nebula, an enormous cloud of gas and dust many light-years across. Turbulence from deep within these clouds creates high density regions called knots. These knots contain sufficient mass that the gas and dust can begin to collapse from gravitational attraction. As it collapses, pressure from gravity causes the material at the center to heat up, creating a protostar. One day, this core becomes hot enough to ignite fusion and a star is born. 

How many galaxies are there in the universe?

How many stars does a galaxy have?