Thomas Ray Haaland


I'm an evolutionary biologist, interested in how organisms around the world respond and adapt to changing living conditions.

Since May 2022 I have worked as a postdoc with Prof. Jane Reid at the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), using eco-evolutionary models to study patterns of partial migration in European shags.

Previously I did a postdoc at the University of Zurich, where I worked with Prof. Hanna Kokko (2019-2021) studying the evolution and consequences of facultative sex, and with Dr. Anna Lindholm (2022) on a Forschungskredit postdoc fellowship.

I completed my Ph.D. in May 2019 at NTNU, on bet-hedging and other adaptations to variable environments, with Dr. Irja Ratikainen and Prof. Jonathan Wright. During this time I also worked at Washington University in St. Louis for a collaboration with Dr. Carlos Botero.

Check out the Research page for more info about what I do! See the Publications page for a list of papers and preprints with links, or Outreach for some of my popular science writing. If any of this sounds exciting, I'd love for you to get in touch with me!

Presenting my Ph.D. research at the ESEB 2017 congress in Groningen, The Netherlands.