Laboratory for Consciousness

To identify the neural mechanisms for consciousness, that is, the occurrence of subjective experiences, such as during visual perception. 


Cognitive neuroscience Neuroimaging Brain stimulation Mental imagery Metacognition Aphantasia

Research Overview

We use a combination of brain stimulation and neuroimaging techniques to study how human subjects consciously see. One particular focus is mental imagery, in which a perception-like experience occurs in the absence of external stimulation. Interestingly, some human subjects do not experience mental imagery vividly. We will try to understand how this condition, known as aphantasia, occurs. And we ask what consequences this may have for memory processing. Although our overarching goal is to develop a neurobiological theory of consciousness, we also try to apply our findings for the treatment of brain disorders such as trauma-related flashbacks and hallucinations. 

Laboratory for Consciousness, RIKEN Wako


RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS)