Daily Design

In today’s world humans are using lots of products in order to fulfil their requirements. Each and every product is specifically manufactured so product is directly connected with manufacturing process. In order to manufacture a product there must be a need of basic drawing and design. Therefore requirements force us to design the component initially in order get the appearance of the product. Here we came to know that fulfilment of each and every requirement begins with the design. If the design satisfies the requirement then ultimately half of the work is done. In olden days design are made on the paper with help of pencil, drafter, scale, eraser and other tools in order to get the view the product. At that time modification (if arises) is not an easier task. It takes more time to complete the design with full requirement and also designer is not able to provide the full information and the detailed view of the product. But nowadays designs are developed using various CAD (computer aided Design) software. CAD software provides number of easier ways to design the products as well as the ways to modify the product. CAD software allows us to view 3D structures of the product. Because of this technology it is easier to get the full and detailed information of the product.

Computer Aided Design is the process of assisting the computer in the engineering process such as creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software is used to make the digital manufacturing process. After designing the product in the CAD software we can interface it with the CAM software and get the information about how to manufacture the product. After seeing the various types of manufacturing the product in CAM software we can select the best and efficient way of manufacturing the product. Apart from this, CAD software provides the way to analyse the product by applying the various constraints such as load, fixed end, pressure acting etc. There are also other CAE (computer aided Engineering) software available in order to make analysis on the designed product in an accurate manner.

This make me to choose my area of interest as the mechanical and product design field.After lot of thinking i started website name "Daily Design" in this i upload 2D and 3D Model and Design related to Mechanical Field.

Daily Design - https://sites.google.com/view/purushotamchandrakar/home?authuser=0