Prostitution - Compiled Facts Showing Whether It Is Done Entirely Of Free Will or Not

Here's an Internet accessible list of facts (found at several sites) showing how the trafficking of human beings is continuously maintained in North American and the U.S., starting with young vulnerable children. It also shows how difficult it is for active prostitutes to leave the sex trade (with or without help) once they are into it.

  1. Approximately one million women are prostituted in North America. That is 1% of all the women there.

  2. 600,000 children under the age of 18 are also involved in prostitution or pornography.

  3. 13 is about the average age for entering prostitution or pornography.

  4. Between 1.6 and 2.8 million U.S. children have a run-away experience annually. 33% of these will be lured into the sex trade within 48-hours of leaving home if they have one.

  5. The United States is one of the largest consumers of child pornography.

  6. 80% of women prostitutes are victims of incest, physical abuse, or rape as children. Most left home at an early age to escape the abuse.

  7. Most prostitutes become alcohol or drug addicted, which traps them into the trade more so.

  8. As much as 90% of all the prostitutes are under the controls of pimps.

  9. Prostituted women turn to drugs for two reasons: 1) to make their lives more tolerable and 2) because they are forced to do so by their pimps for control reasons.

  10. Pimps have powerful emotional and coercive control over their street women and girls.

  11. Some prostitutes are supporting their pimp's drug habits whether they know it or not.

  12. Brothels also have tight controls over their women and girls, often treating them like caged animals for control reasons.

  13. Numerous prostitutes have considered suicide. Several have.

  14. Each year, a street prostitute is raped 19 times, kidnaped 10 times, and beaten repeatedly on the average.

  15. Prostitutes getting out of jail have no resources. They return to what they have and know.

  16. Prostitution networks in the U.S. have migrated from the large cities to the smaller ones and their suburbs.

  17. U.S. Cities spend an average of $7.5 million on prostitution control.

  18. Girls in prostitution increasingly are getting younger, down to 12-years-old or less.

  19. The demand for prostituted children is increasing because the younger ones are cleaner and more disease free.

  20. Female prostitutes have a mortality rate 40-times higher than the national average.

  21. Every female prostitute involved in a select jailhouse study in Florida said she had been raped, robbed, kicked, and beaten with fists, knives, guns, coat hangers, baseball bats, boards, either by a trick or by her pimp. Each one also knew someone who had been murdered in the trade.

  22. The recovery time for a prostitute leaving the trade with ample support is about two years. The rebuilding process takes relative amounts of time.

Conclusion. Research has shown the majority of women in street prostitution have suffered sexual and other abuses as children. Unfortunately, the getting into this kind of career for whatever reasons also leads to other major abuses, some of them self-inflicted, such as:

  • alcohol, drug, and stress-related addictions plus criminal records

  • being under the recruitment and abusive controls of vicious pimps

  • dealing with deprived, undeveloped, diseased, and, in some cases, disturbed, weird and violent customers

  • feeling trapped, unworthy, looked-down upon, discriminated against, and incapable of leaving the trade or transforming their lifestyle.