Prairie Water Brewing Club was founded in 2016 by Mitch John and John Sigmon. Following a love for beer and especially craft beers, Mitch and John began brewing on their own as a hobby. This hobby soon grew as the "we should start a brewery" talks started to become a reality.

The Beginning

After plenty of practice they felt confident to enter their beer into a competition in 2012. They entered their first beer, a blonde ale, in the 2012 Samuel Adams Long Shot contest. After scoring a "Very Good" rating they decided to move forward. In the years that followed they brewed beers individually to refine which beers they would like to add to their brewery portfolio. In June of 2016, Prairie Water made it's public debut as part of the home-brew section at Omaha Beerfest 2016 held in Stinson Park in Omaha, NE.

The Name

Located in Omaha, Nebraska these beer fanatics landed on the name "Prairie Water Brewing Club", with high hopes of opening a brewery that would be called "Prairie Water Brewing" in the near future. The name "Prairie Water" comes from the Platte River Prairies that are located in Nebraska right next to the homes of these brewer's.

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