PatternJ: automated pattern analysis for Fiji and ImageJ 

PatternJ is an ImageJ/Fiji macro toolset for the automated analysis of repeated patterns.

This tool is described in the following manuscript:

PatternJ: an ImageJ toolset for the automated and quantitative analysis of regular spatial patterns found in sarcomeres, axons, somites, and more
by Mélina Baheux-Blin, Vincent Loreau, Frank Schnorrer, and Pierre Mangeol, bioRxiv 2024.01.17.576053

Please cite this reference if you plan to publish with PatternJ

What can PatternJ do for you?

PatternJ was developed to help researchers extract automatically pattern features from their images obtained with fluorescence microscopy as well as electron or bright-field microscopy. Typical images it can analyze automatically include sarcomeric patterns, actin rings in neurons, somites in developing vertebrates, etc...

From a given image, it can extract the position of pre-defined patterns with sub-pixel precision.

With PatternJ 2.0 comes the analysis of time-lapse series and ROI lists.

Above is one example of what it can achieve (a Drosophila muscle sarcomeric pattern).

Download PatternJ

Download the lastest version of PatternJ here.

(currently PatternJ 2.0, April 2024)

How to install and use PatternJ

To install and use PatternJ, read our user manual or follow the video below.

You can use one of our example files or your own image (or image series).

Mac users, please follow step 3 of the installation found in the user manual (recapitulated from minute 1:55 in the video below).