Defeat Covid-19

Welcome to the Farmers Branch Manske Library's first digital breakout game.

Everything you need to find the answers are on this page but you may want to open the locks to in a new window, so that you may scroll freely.

We hope you enjoy and good luck.

Interest in more games? Checkout our other digital breakout programs here.


You are surfing the TV channels when an emergency news broadcast comes on. It appears there is a viral threat to the human population and steps need to be taken in order to prevent its spread. It is up to you to put into place an action plan and save the world. Welcome to the end of the world as we know it, unless we can stop the spread of this new virus.

STAGE 1: Gathering Supplies.

You are prepared for this. You have seen every end of the world movie and read all the survival how-to books. Okay in all truth those how-to books were more of apocalyptic science fiction novels, but hey they count too. Point being you know you have to get your emergency kit together.

Emergency Check list

  1. First aid kit?

  2. Water?

  3. Flash lights?

  4. Emergency Contact List?

  5. Chargers?

Stage 2: Checking Supplies.

Oh No! The First Aid kit is a mess!

We have to put it back together, so it will be ready when we need it.

Stage 3: Bunking down.

Escape Route

Now that you have all your supplies, you need to get home safe.

Credits: The puzzle was made using Jigsaw Planet.Images were found on Pixabay or created using Canva.