Otago Logic Group
February 20 Jc Beall Reading group on new work
March 6 Jc Beall Reading group on new work
March 14 Robbie Ennis The Non-Classical Logic of Quantum Computers
April 23 Thomas Forster Synonymy
October 24 Fernando Cano-Jorge Confirmation Paradoxes
21 September Zach Weber Truth and Falsity in Logic
16 October Isabella McAllister The limits of logical commitment
December 12 Logic Day in Dunedin!
Speakers: Peter Verdée, Ed Mares, Isabella McAllister, Fernando Cano-Jorge, Zach Weber
Logic workshop Dunedin, Saturday, October 13
(A joint meeting with the Pukeko Logic Group and the seminar series on Non-Classical Mathematics)
9:45 Ed Mares (Wellington)
10:30 Shawn Standefer (Melbourne)
11:15 TEA
11:30 Hitoshi Omori (JAIST)
12:15 LUNCH
1:15 Ray Drury (Auckland)
2:00 Jeremy Seligman (Auckland)
2:45 Petr Cintula (Czech Academy)
3:30 TEA
4:00 Patrick Girard (Auckland)
4:45 Zach Weber (Otago)
5:30 Finish / Drinks / Dinner
March 21 Shawn Standefer (Melbourne) - Non-triviality for sequent systems for naive truth [abstract]
April 19th Guillermo Badia - What's so special about first order logic?: Lowenheim-Skolem and Compactness theorems explained.
May 3rd Hannah Clark-Younger - Imperative Logic: An Overview
May 31st Manuel Lechthaler A Logical Analysis of Many-One Identities
April 20 Patrick Girard (Auckland) Against Success [Abstract]
May 18 Ottilia Kasbergen (Amsterdam) The Surprise Examination
Hannah Clark-Younger (Otago) - The Logic of Questions
July 20 Guillermo Badia (Otago) - Bi-simulating in Bi-intuitionistic logic [Abstract]
August 17 Thomas Forster (Cambridge) - On the Axiom of Choice
Sept 21 Zach Weber (Otago) - Computation in non-classical foundations? (joint w T Meadows)
February 9 Non-Classical Metamathematics Workshop
March 17 Stephen Cranefield (Otago) Logical Modelling of Expectations [Abstract]
April 4 Koji Tanaka (Auckland) Empirical Arguments for Paraconsistency [Abstract]
April 28 Alan Weir (Glasgow) Can logical Consequence be non-transitive?
May 26 Patrick Girard (Auckland) Ceteris Paribus as Maximal Preservation
July 28 Richard O'Keefe Description Logics
August 18 Zach Weber (Otago) Paraconsistent Algorithms
September 29 Takahiro Yamada (Kyoto) Fitch's Paradox
Workshop: Non-Classical [Meta]mathematics, February 7-8
Topic: Non-classical mathematics is maths done using non-classical logic. The goal of this event is to understand the model theory and proof theory of non-classical maths, using non-classical maths. It will be a meeting of the minds from several different backgrounds, with tutorial presentations on the current state-of-play in respective logics.
Zach Weber -`Paraconsistent Mathematics and Beyond
Petr Cintula (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)`From Fuzzy Logic to Fuzzy Mathematics'
Hitoshi Omori (City University of New York)`Steps towards non-classical mathematics based on the ideas of da Costa and Priest'
Peter Verdee (Ghent University)`Inconsistency-adaptive set theory'
March 18 Lubica Benuskova Gardenfors' Conceptual Spaces
April 22 Zach Weber Fixed Point Theorems
May 20 Maarten McKubre-Jordens Constructive mathematics
July 29 Willem Labuschagne Belief Revision and Verisimilitude
August 19 Ali Knott Visual object perception and the syntax of noun phrases
September 30 Alex Miller Wittgenstein and Quine on Conventionalism
March 19 Zach Weber What is naive proof?
April 23 Willem Labuschagne Towards Agent-Oriented Logic I: Variations on the theme of logical Consequence
May 14 Willem Labuschagne Towards Agent-Oriented Logic II: The Challenge of Embodiment
July 16 Jc Beall Gaps, Gluts, and Choices; or, Truth Without Detachment
August 4 Curry's Paradox Workshop
September 24 Oron Shagrir Turing's Analysis of Computability
October 29 Charles Pigden Imperative Logic
Worskhop: Curry's Paradox and Paraconsistency
Graham Priest (CUNY)
Jc Beall (UConn)
Maarten McKubre-Jordens (Canterbury)
Zach Weber
With e-participation by Greg Restall (Melbourne), Jeremy Seligman (Auckland) and Dave Ripley (UConn).