
Alternative Ways for Moving Heavy Furniture

The time that you most dread the heavy weight of all bigger furniture or appliances is when you have to move it. Whether you’re moving to a new location, doing some reshifting of your house’s rooms, repairing something, replacing a piece of furniture, or even doing some spring cleaning to get behind a large object, the immense weight of some furniture and appliances can stress you out.

More often than not, you’ll almost always need another person to help you move something for your own safety. Our few solutions to heavy items are no different: be sure to have someone helping you, even if these methods only require one person to do the moving itself. Getting items underneath big items still requires someone else to tip something to one side so that you can slide it beneath the object. (If we haven’t stressed it enough, make sure you’re doing these things with someone else’s help.)

With that said, here are a few alternative ways to move your heavy items.

Cheap moving boxes.

Honestly, this is a pretty much free investment in moving heavy things. Excess cheap moving boxes can be broken down into “shims” of sorts that allow you to drag heavy things across carpet, hardwood floor, and linoleum easily enough to not have to really lift the object off the ground.

The reason this method really shines, however, is that it protects your flooring. You won’t have to worry about the feet of the furniture or appliance dragging against whatever flooring you have down since the cardboard will be between the two.

Furniture lifting straps.

These are relatively uncommon but some of the most ingenious things to assist lifting heavy items. Some straps connect to your forearms to quickly and easily get to moving, whereas others have a harness that goes around your midsection for even heavier items. Think about investing in these if you’re young enough to need them for the rest of your life or old enough to need them for the safety of your back. (So, pretty much everyone.)

Furniture blankets.

While these are best for protecting furniture during the shifting caused by moving vehicles, they double as a drag blanket, too. Much like the use of cardboard, putting a furniture blanket beneath heavier items makes it easy to drag your furniture along flooring without damaging the flooring or the item.

All of these suggestions are here to protect your item, your floor, and your own health. Remember to use something when moving heavier furniture, since it’s not always as simple as picking something up with brute force alone.

Different Benefits of Shrink Wrap

Shrink wrap remains to be one of the best options when it comes to the packaging of products. Here, you may wonder what shrink wrap and why it is one of the most suitable materials to be used for packaging of the products. You may also ask about its advantage to the brand reputation and its impact on the cost of your product packaging procedure.

A few things related to shrink wrap are worth mentioning in this regard.

What is shrink wrap?

The versatile polymer packaging material used for the primary and secondary finished goods is commonly known as shrink wrapping. The wrapping is completed with the help of application of heat through a heat tunnel or heat gun.

Shrink wrapping can be of many forms including over wraps, bagging, tubing, printed shrink film and marine industrial shrink wraps.

And there are two main types of shrink wrap, i.e. PVC & polyolefins. PVC was a popular form of shrink film once as it had been used for covering the CDs. The major drawback of this film is that it doesn’t do quite well in response to the temperature changes. It becomes brittle when heat is applied. This way, it loses its strength. Another disadvantage is that it releases chemicals in the air when it is heated.

Another form of shrink wrap is the Polyolefin shrink film. It has become more popular in recent times due to its durability and versatility. Moreover, this shrink film is food safe. This is the reason that it is FDA-approved. It is also puncture proof.

Selecting the ideal shrink

One thing that you will have to keep in mind is that shrink wrap is suitable for the packaging of any kind of products. Typically, you can pack electronics, food items, paper & greeting cards and personal care items with the help of shrink wrap.

Now, selecting the best wrap for your products mainly depends upon the size, dimensions and weight. Moreover, you can make the gauge settings based on whether or not the product has sharp edges. Products with sharp edges can be wrapped using lower gauge settings.

Benefits of shrink film

Shrink wrap is recyclable and it is the major benefit of it. With this characteristic, shrink wrap is a sustainable packaging option for your products. It means that you can use this option to contribute in saving the environment.

Due to the fact that cross linked shrink films can successfully wrap products with sharp edges, it can be easily said that these shrink films are quite resistant to puncture and other kinds of wear and tear.

Another very prominent advantage of shrink films is that they reduce the need of other packaging supplies which are used for the cushioning of products. You may be able to see the flexible packages stacked and shipped without being given any kind of extra layer of safety.