Mississippi Concealed Carry Permit Online

Class overview

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MS Concealed Carry License

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Mississippi Concealed Carry Permit


How much does it cost to get a concealed carry license?

It’s different in every state. In Tennessee, the required class general costs around $100 +- and the permit fee when you apply is $125, then $50 every four years, once you get the permit, you can upgrade to a lifetime permit for $200 (I think).

In Mississippi, there’s no requirement to take a class to get a basic permit, so there’s no class cost, but if you want what’s called an enhanced/instructor certified permit, you do have to take a class, which will run you about the same as Tennessee for the class and permit fee.

I applied for an Arizona non-resident permit a couple of years ago and I think it cost $40, but you have to already have taken a class somewhere.

Just for reference, not every state issues a “concealed carry permit.” In some states like Tennessee, Mississippi, and some others, it’s just a handgun carry permit and you have the option to carry concealed over openly whichever you choose. Some states do issue concealed only, and in some states, no permit is required.

(source: Quora)

Do I need a valid concealed carry permit for each state I enter, or just from a resident state?

It depends on the individual state. The state where your permit was issued may have reciprocity with a number of other states. Some states accept any legally issued permits. Some states are Constitutional carry; Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, Vermont, West Virginia and perhaps others.

Additionally there are states that allow you when traveling to carry in your vehicle and hotel room/camp sight but you cannot carry concealed elsewhere.

Pretty much every state has a website with this information available. I would use the states sights versus any other as the laws do change.

You can obtain a permit in your state and then get non-resident permits in other states. Currently I can carry in 42 states.

(source: quora)

Learn More About Mississippi Concealed Carry Permit

Mississippi Concealed Carry Permit - A Simple Overview

If you wish to obtain a Mississippi concealed carry permit, you must first give an approved permit from the state of your residence. Most states that allow you to obtain a concealed carry will accept their concealed carry permits, provided that you possess a valid Mississippi CCW license. Some states however will not let you obtain a concealed carry permit unless you are also a resident of that particular state. This is usually to discourage the carrying of firearms by prohibited persons.

Applying for a Mississippi concealed carry permit is a relatively easy process, provided that you follow the law and all other necessary procedures. The state requires that you pass a background check, complete with fingerprints and a complete application. The application can be obtained online through the secretary of state's website or at various vendors who sell applications. You must complete and apply in the same manner each time you apply for another Mississippi concealed carry permit. If you fail to do so, you will be ineligible to obtain one the next time.

Each state has its own reciprocity rules, which mean that all of the permits that would be valid in one state, shall also be legal in another state. In addition to the reciprocity rule, each state shall issue individual concealed weapons permits to residents of that state who meet certain requirements. Some of these requirements include passing all the required courses, proving you're a resident of the state and paying the appropriate fees. Each state shall issue a single enhanced license endorsement, which will serve as your proof of residency.

To get your Mississippi concealed carry permit, you must pass both the skill and competence training requirements. Applicants may complete the training requirements at any private or public school that offers training for carrying guns. They may also complete the training requirements through the attorney general's office where they will be able to present their proof of competence and state code requirements. However, if the applicant fails to pass the skill and competence tests, he or she may still be eligible to take the skill and competence tests through the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation but they will not be considered a qualified candidate for the enhanced concealed weapon permit.

The enhanced concealed weapon permit class offered through the attorney general's office is taught by certified instructors who are knowledgeable about Mississippi State Laws. Students of the course to learn the latest laws, including those related to the implementation of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Students also obtain the necessary skills and expertise through the standard permit training which covers the complete process from application through obtaining the permit.

Those who are not residents of the state are required to receive a federal firearms license to be allowed to purchase, rent, or possess firearms. In addition, some states require reciprocity with other states. Mississippi does not have reciprocity with the federal NICS. Individuals who do not have a federal firearm license cannot apply for a Mississippi concealed weapons permit either through the department of corrections or via the attorney general. For individuals who can not obtain a Mississippi state license or any other state permit, they may still be eligible to use a NICS system as long as they can pass the skill and competence examinations.