關於我 About me
We are recruiting graduate/undergraduate students interested in computational social science and network security! Feel free to contact me via tonymhwang at gmail.com for more information.
我們正在招募對於計算社會科學與資訊安全有興趣的博士生、碩士生,及專題生,歡迎透過 tonymhwang at gmail.com 與我聯繫。
Hello, my name is Ming-Hung. I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering and the Head of Research and Development at the Office of Information Technology at National Chung Cheng University. I also serve as the Secretary-general of the Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association. I received my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2017, after completing my M.S. degree in Communication Engineering in 2010 and my B.S. degree in Computer Science in 2008, both from National Tsing Hua University.
I lead the Digital Society and Security Lab (DIGI-SSL), focusing on research topics in computational social science and cybersecurity. Our lab employs methodologies such as statistical learning, graph theory, and computer vision to investigate social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. We study issues such as information operation, sockpuppets identification, online scams, and hate speech, alongside exploring various security vulnerabilities within social media ecosystems.
Our research has been published in international journals and conferences and featured in numerous media outlets, including NHK, Nikkei Asia, Voice of America, CommonWealth Magazine, Business Today, and Apple Daily. My primary research tools include R, Python, and LaTeX.
We are currently recruiting graduate and undergraduate students interested in computational social science and cybersecurity. Please feel free to contact me via tonymhwang@gmail.com.
嗨,我是銘宏,目前於國立中正大學資訊工程學系擔任副教授,兼任資訊處技術發展組組長,同時也擔任中華民國資訊安全學會秘書長。我於 2017 年取得國立台灣大學電機工程博士學位;在進入台大前,我分別於 2008 年及 2010 年在國立清華大學取得資訊工程學士與通訊工程碩士學位。
我主持 數位社會與安全實驗室(DIGI-SSL),專注於計算社會科學與網路安全相關的研究。我們的實驗室整合了統計學習、圖論、電腦視覺等方法,針對 Facebook、Instagram 和 TikTok 等大型社群媒體平台進行研究,探討資訊操作、分身帳號、詐騙行為、仇恨言論等現象,並研究各種社群媒體安全問題。
我們的研究成果發表於國際期刊與國際會議,並獲得多家媒體報導,包括 NHK、日經亞洲、美國之音、天下雜誌、今周刊和蘋果日報等。研究主要使用工具包括 R、Python 和 LaTeX。
我們目前正在招募對計算社會科學與資訊安全感興趣的博士生、碩士生與專題生,歡迎透過 tonymhwang@gmail.com 與我聯繫。