
本實驗室郭哲男老師於2018年12月10-12日帶領兩名亞洲大學生醫系學生王郁評(右二)、黃冠瑜(右一),赴義大利羅馬參加22nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Simulation國際研討會,進行研究成果發表共四篇,分別為:

  1. C.N. Kuo*, Y.C. Wu, Y.L. Su and T.Y. Chang, Additive Manufactured Lightweight Porous Materials, 22nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Simulation, Dec. 10-12, Rome, Italy.

  2. M.T. Tsai, Y.C. Wu, Y.L. Su, and C.N. Kuo*, Energy input effects on microstructure evolution of Ti-6Al-4V fabricated by electron beam additive manufacturing, 22nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Simulation, Dec. 10-12, Rome, Italy.

  3. Y.P. Wang, Y.C. Wu, Y.L. Su, S.H. Liao, and C.N. Kuo*, Change the surface tension of the electrolyte to evaluate the effect of electropolishing on porous materials with different pore sizes, 22nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Simulation, Dec. 10-12, Rome, Italy.

  4. K.Y. Huang, Y.C. Wu, Y.L. Su, and C.N. Kuo*, Mechanical Response of 3D Printed Composite Materials, 22nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Simulation, Dec. 10-12, Rome, Italy.

上圖為本實驗室郭哲男老師與亞洲大學生醫系2位同學於義大利羅馬22nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Simulation國際研討會之合照



