They Do Good Theatre. 

We Make It Happen.

Welcome to the Official Website for the Leander High School Theatre Boosters

Many Hands Make Light Work

We thank the Leander community for the support we receive year after year.

The LHS Theatre Booster club  is a 501c3 volunteer organization that promotes and helps to fund theatre arts at Leander High School by generating parental, student memberships along with volunteering, concessions sales, fundraising activities, and local corporate business partnerships.  Our program is almost completely self-funded so every donation – large or small is important. 

Participation in the organization is open to all.  You don’t need to have a student in the cast or crew – all with an interest in supporting theatre arts are welcome to join and get involved!

Campbell Duncan

Meet our Director

Campbell Duncan is beginning his seventeenth year teaching, and his second at the helm of LHS Theatre. A graduate of Texas Tech University and Midland College, he grew up in southeast New Mexico and west Texas, before moving to the Austin-area in 2011. In addition to his work with Leander Theatre, he has recently worked with SummerStock Austin and Broke Thespians Theatre Company, where he directed San Marcos' first summer musical in the park, The Wizard of Oz

When he is not working on a show (which isn't often), he enjoys watching movies, listening to music on vinyl, interior design, hunting for primitive Americana antiques, and playing card games with his family. 

If you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to email him at

This website is maintained by the LHS Theatre Booster Club and is not a part of Leander High School or the Leander Independent School District. Neither Leander High School nor Leander ISD is responsible for the content of this website or the content of linksexternal to this website.