Landscape FM

vallejo, california powered by locusonus

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powered by locusonus

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Vallejo Soundscapes is participating in the Reveil 24-hour world open mic broadcast 2017 from 5AM London time (UTC 0+1) on Saturday 6 MAY to 6AM on Sunday 7 MAY.
For more information please visit

http://www.visionofthewild.orgInfo from Vision of the Wild Vallejo — We’ll start at the Empress Theatre where we will learn about soundscape ecology, followng the principles of Bernie Krause. From there, we will walk to the Vallejo waterfront where we will record environmental sounds. Finally, we will return to the theater where we will analyze the recordings. Please be prepared to walk about a mile round trip. No personal equipment is necessary.
Join us again that evening for a screening of the film Nature’s Orchestra about Bernie Krause. Dr. Krause and the filmmakers will attend and answer questions.