Data & Knowledge engineering Laboratory


  • 경북대학교 데이터 및 지식 공학 연구실 (DKE Lab)에서 석박사 과정에 진학할 성실하고, 열정적인 학생들을 모집하고 있습니다. 부담 없이 아래 이메일로 연락주기 바랍니다.
  • (NEW) Our lab has been relocated to IT-5 (IT대학 융복합관) Rms. 520/522. Please come and visit us!
  • (NEW) Our paper, entitled "A Survey of Simulation Provenance Systems: Modeling, Capturing, Querying, Visualization, and Advanced Utilization" is now under minor revision in Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS) (07/26/2018).
  • (NEW) Our paper, entitled "A Simulation-Provenance Data Management System for Efficient Job Execution on an Online Computational Science Engineering Platform" has been accepted for publication in Cluster Computing (SCI: IF 1.601, Q2) (07/05/2018).
  • (NEW) Wonsik Kwon (권원식), Myungwon Jung (정명원), and Hyuntae Jung (정현태) recently joined as undergraduate intern. Welcome to our lab (07/01/2018)!
  • (NEW) Seonghyun Lee (김성현) has just joined as undergraduate intern. He'll become a Master's student this Fall. Welcome to our lab (06/04/2018)!
  • (NEW) Jooyoung Lee (이주영) has just joined as undergraduate intern. Welcome to our lab (05/04/2018)!
  • (NEW) Our paper, entitled "A Pattern-Based Outlier Region Detection Method for 2-Dimensional Arrays" has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Supercomputing (SCI: IF 1.532, Q2) (05/09/2018)
  • (NEW) Our paper, entitled "MLPPI Wizard: An Automated Multi-level Partitioning Tool on Analytical Workloads," has been published online at KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (SCIE) (04/30/2018).
  • (NEW) Our paper, entitled "Design and Implementation of an Execution-Provenance Based Simulation Data Management Framework for Computational Science Engineering Simulation Platform," has been published at Journal of Internet Computing and Services (KCI) (02/28/2018).
  • (NEW) Prof. Suh earned a three-year grant (for new researchers), entitled "An Integrated Framework for Empirical Studies across Multiple Data-Intensive Systems", from National Research Foundation of Korea (acceptance ratio: 22%) (02/23/2018)
  • (NEW) Our paper, entitled "SEDONA: A Novel Protocol for Identifying Infrequent, Long-running Daemons on a Linux System," has been published at IEICE Transactions on Information Systems (SCIE) (01/01/2018).


  • We're earnestly looking for self-motivated, talented undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students.
  • If you're interested in large-scale data management, don't hesitate to contact me at yksuh at or feel free to come to my office at IT-5 Rm. #520.


Welcome to the Data & Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (DKE Lab) in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Kyungpook National University! The major mission of our lab is to solve real problems involving heavy data processing engaged in diverse areas. We pursue a high-quality data-centric research that makes ourselves and the world happier. We will provide full support for your passion and commitment to achieve our mission!